Thank you for visiting my blog!

There's not enough time for me to unload all of my creativity and ramblings in blog form, but I doubt you have enough time to read them, anyway! So, I'll do my absolute best to only share what is most likely to benefit you and help you get to know me a little better.

Here you can find a variety of client galleries, photography tips, personal stories, and more. Have a burning question for me that you'd love to see me answer in blog form?

Hi, I'm Tammy!

Mom,artist, musician, dog-lover, adventurer

Reach out!










photography tips

c-section birth photos
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This is my favorite quote about the cost of birth photography: “Shooting a birth is like getting an inquiry from a bride saying that she wants you to come photograph her wedding, but isn’t going to set a date.  She’ll just call you whenever, and when you ask her how many hours of coverage she […]

The Cost of Birth Photography


Lilly Mason
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The hardest part about my last labor had nothing to do with pain or fear. We are worriers and that emotion dominates our birth space. With experience, research, planning, practice, and mentally and physically preparing myself, I had my head in the right place. I knew how to relax every inch of my body through […]

We Are Worriers


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What comes to mind when you hear the words birth photography?  Do you immediately envision some graphic imagery of a baby crowning? Or perhaps a screaming, delirious mother desperate for relief? If that’s the case, I don’t blame you for skipping forward to the next interesting article. But, you should know that moment of delivery […]

Birth Photography

Birth, Personal