Thank you for visiting my blog!

There's not enough time for me to unload all of my creativity and ramblings in blog form, but I doubt you have enough time to read them, anyway! So, I'll do my absolute best to only share what is most likely to benefit you and help you get to know me a little better.

Here you can find a variety of client galleries, photography tips, personal stories, and more. Have a burning question for me that you'd love to see me answer in blog form?

Hi, I'm Tammy!

Mom,artist, musician, dog-lover, adventurer

Reach out!










photography tips

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Introducing my tips and tricks for great 6 month old poses! Six months old is my absolute favorite age and the easiest time to get great pictures of your cutie. There are several reasons why this is the easiest age for picture taking. Most 6 month olds are starting to sit up, but not crawling, […]

6 Month Old Poses

Photography Tips

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Here are some of my favorite poses to get great pictures of your 3 month old baby.

3 Month Old Poses | Little Leapling Photography

Children, Photography Tips