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There's not enough time for me to unload all of my creativity and ramblings in blog form, but I doubt you have enough time to read them, anyway! So, I'll do my absolute best to only share what is most likely to benefit you and help you get to know me a little better.

Here you can find a variety of client galleries, photography tips, personal stories, and more. Have a burning question for me that you'd love to see me answer in blog form?

Hi, I'm Tammy!

Mom,artist, musician, dog-lover, adventurer

Reach out!










photography tips


Round 2
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We are on to Round Two of the 2024 Image of the Year Contest! Little Leapling Photography and TEKimages has nominated one AMAZING photograph from each photo session in 2024. You, as an audience, will vote on your favorite photograph below. The images with the most votes will receive some fantastic prizes! ROUND 2How Do […]

ROUND 2 Image of the Year Contest

Kansas Photography, Manhattan KS, TEKimages

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What is the Image of the Year Contest? Little Leapling Photography and TEKimages has nominated one AMAZING photograph from each photo session in 2024. You, as an audience, will vote on your favorite photograph below. The images with the most votes will receive some fantastic prizes! ROUND 1How do I Vote for an Image? Voting […]

2024 Image of the Year Contest

Kansas Photography, Manhattan KS, TEKimages

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The instructor of a very expensive course I took said photographers should never feature sunset silhouette photos on their website. The main reason for that is because it doesn’t take any real skill to create beautiful silhouettes. I followed his recommendation for my website, but I get a great reaction on Facebook and Instagram every […]

Sunset Silhouettes | Photography Tips

Kansas Photography, Photography Tips

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When I decided to become a professional photographer, I had no idea just how many specialties I’d have to master. Marketing and accounting are obvious ones. But, in addition to becoming a master of light, I was forced to become proficient in everything from newborn health/safety and customer relations to contractual law and meteorology. And […]

Kansas Weather | NE Kansas Photographer

Family, Kansas Photography, Manhattan KS, Photography Tips

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Geary Lake Falls, located just south of Junction City, is one of the most beautiful spots to visit in Kansas.

Geary Falls | Junction City, Kansas

Kansas Photography, Manhattan KS

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If you haven’t made it over to Ward Meade Park to see their tulips, you are missing out! Tulips at Twilight will be open from April 9 to April 25, 7:00-10:00 p.m. seven days a week, but this was such a gorgeous display even by the light of day. One of my favorite Kansas City […]

Ward Meade Park | Topeka, KS

Kansas Photography