I've spent a great deal of time finding, purchasing, and fine-tuning a very user-friendly platform to get your pictures to you. We all learn in different ways, however, so I try to be clear and even redundant without boring you to tears.

Once you open your gallery and put your email address in, instructions will pop up! Accidently click away before reading it? No problem! Just click on "About" at the top of the page and then select "Message". 

There will be at least two albums in your gallery. The first is your "High Res Download" album. If you have given me permission to share teasers on social media, those images will already be in that album in color and black and white. Take a close look at those photos and if there is anything you want done differently, now is the time to tell me. I want you to love your images and I'm happy to do special editing on pictures you purchase. Rarely, a request will be made that requires a significant amount of time. If that's the case and I need to charge anything extra, I'll let you know right away! Your teaser images not only help me keep my social media pages from going silent, they let you see what your retouched images will look like.  Even if you choose not to share on social media, you will receive at least one image in this album so you have that opportunity to give me special instructions for any pictures you purchase. 

The second album in your gallery is your "Proofing" album. Depending on how long your photo shoot was, this album will likely have between 50-150 photos. These images are watermarked to prevent anyone from stealing unpurchased images. 
The first image in any album is green with instructions. Remember the redundancy? You may not need it, but someone will!

About 1-3 weeks after your photo shoot, you will receive a link to your online gallery.  If you do not see the email with your gallery link within one week of your teasers, chances are the email landed in your spam folder. Please let me know if you do not receive that email! The email will include instructions, which I will go into more detail on right here!

Gallery Instructions

What next?

Step 5: Click on your Bonus Album

Step 4: Click on your Proofing Album

Step 2: Enter Email and open gallery instructions

Step 3: Click on your High Res Album

Step 1: Read the instructions in your email then click on
"View Gallery"


I know you are excited to see your pictures, but please take the time to read the instructions included in your email. I'm happy to help if needed, but the more time I spend answering questions, the longer it will take to edit your photos. 

You are welcome to share your online gallery with friends and family. I encourage you to do so! Please send them the email with the instructions rather than just sending the link to your gallery.

Unless you have had a mini session or a studio session, you will likely find a third album in your gallery. This album of "Bonus Images" is just one of the ways I like to overdeliver and put a big smile on my clients' faces. This album will have details shots, scenic perspective, or any pictures that do not need detailed retouching. Because I don't need to spend as much time editing them, I offer these images at a reduced price. These pictures are $15/each. If you want to purchase the whole Bonus album, that can be done for either $100 or $200 depending on the number of pictures included. If you purchase the Premium Collection, the entire Bonus album is included for free regardless of size. Your bonus images will have a watermark on them. If you purchase individual bonus images, they will be moved to your Hi Res Download album. If you purchase the entire album (or get it free with your Premium Collection), that album will be set to download. Please note that the watermarks will disappear once you download the images to your computer. 

At the top righthand corner of your screen, you will see a "Buy Photo" prompt. That will bring up the anticipated digital collections. The larger the collection, the lower the per image price. Click on a digital collection and you can start choosing the images you wish to purchase. If you failed to narrow down your favorites to 8, 15, or 24 images, let me know and I will create a custom package for you. I will have you contact me once you have your favorite images marked for purchase and then I will create a separate invoice rather than using the digital collections in your gallery. Once an image has been purchased from the proofing album by anyone, it becomes available for printing/download for everyone who you give access to your gallery.

There are lots of functions built into your gallery. As already mentioned, you can use the heart to favorite an image. You can access your favorites at the top of your screen. You can also click on any image to enlarge it. The purchase options are available from that screen.
Want to enlarge two photos side-by-side for comparison? Click the "Compare Photos" button and then select any two pictures. Easy! 

After you place your order for a digital collection, I receive an email showing me your purchased selections. As excited as you are to see your proofs, I'm equally as excited to see which pictures are your favorite! I move those pictures to my editing queue and reply to the email to give you an idea of how long it will take me to finish retouching your images. The turn around time will depend on several factors including how many other images are already in my editing pile, how many images you are purchasing, and how much editing your images might need. If there are any pictures you need sooner than the estimated turn around time, please let me know and I will prioritize editing those pictures.

Once retouched, I upload the color and black and white versions of your purchased images to the High Resolution album. At that time, I also remove the Proofing Album, so please let me know if you or someone else might want to purchase more pictures so I can leave that up, just removing the images that have now been retouched. The Bonus Album will be set to download if you've  purchased it or bought the Premium Collection. Again, don't worry about those watermarks! They will disappear! I then switch your online store from Digital Collections to Print Products and send you an email saying your gallery has been updated.

That email will include more instructions, as well as your Print Credit code if you have purchased either the Perfection Collection ($50 credit) or Premium Collection ($100 credit). That print credit is a gift to show you the amazing quality you'll receive from the print lab connected to your gallery. That print credit can ONLY be used through your gallery and must be used before the original expiration date on your gallery. You'll be able to put that code into your shopping cart before completing the print sale. My computer monitors have been calibrated to the attached professional print lab and I will go to bat for you if anything arrives less than perfect. 

Your print products will be shipped directly to your home. Want to put a big smile on MY face? Take a picture of your favorite images hanging up. I absolutely love getting to see the final product!

Wondering how long your online gallery will be available? There will be an expiration date typically about one month from the date you receive the email for your gallery. I understand that life is BUSY and I do not want to add any stress! If you need more time to purchase your digital collection, just let me know and we'll work together to make this process as simple and stress-free as possible. I am paying to host your pictures and I do charge a $25 gallery reactivation fee, so if you think you'll need extra time, please let me know before your gallery expires.  

I also know that while you truly appreciate amazing photography, sometimes your bank account doesn't share our passion. If you would like to make payments for your digital collection, let me know and I will create an invoice that allows easy, incremental payments.